Monday, September 16, 2013

Weather or not...

So we knew that the weather would be much different here in NYC versus LA.  I mean, let's face it, LA has amazing weather year-round.  Occasionally there's a little bit of rain, the threat of earthquakes and brush fires are the biggest natural threat (and landslides if you live in an area in the landslide zone).  But most of the time it's sunny and mild and gorgeous.

I have to say, I've enjoyed the weather in NYC more than I thought I would.  I know, I know... it's not winter yet.  But the humidity in the summer was manageable (with a pocket hanky and a $5 fan from Chinatown).  Besides, everybody else was sweaty and soggy and trying to cool down so it's not like I was the only sweaty beast out there.  I have some warm clothes that I finally brought into rotation in my closet, but I know I'll have to get a bunch more.  My "warm clothes" are not ready for serious cold temperatures, methinks.  In any case, one of the biggest changes living here is that there actually is weather.  Thunderstorms happen on a regular basis.  Wind zips through the apartment and rattles the accordion things on my a/c.  Temperatures vary quite a bit.  And the CLOUDS!  Oh, the clouds.  They're amazing.  Big and fluffy, they catch the sun and create a sky on fire at sunset.  We don't have clouds like this in California.  We rarely get thunderstorms in Cali.  And man, when it rains here, it rains.  These raindrops aren't anything to mess around with.  You better have an umbrella with you or enjoy being soaked.  I'm both wary of and excited for the cold weather and experiencing living in it for the first time ever.

I'm sure there will be some updates as it gets colder and we face some challenges with the weather, but hopefully that's down the road a bit.  Until then, here's some recent photos of the gorgeous weather we have.

Ducks at the lake in Prospect Park

The view out of Megan's window, looking north toward Queens

Beautiful sunset and clouds in the summer at concert in the park

A photo of some small building in Prospect Park, via Instagram.  Follow me if you want to stay up on what photos I'm posting.  There's a lot of photos of Rufus, dinner, and sometimes I do a daily photo challenge which is fun.

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