Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year in New York

Because it's NYC and ::slap slap:: I'm alive! 12/30/13

I was on the southbound 2 making the trek home from the Bronx the other day (an hour this commute is for me and it is the 'longest' I find myself in a vehicle/mode of transportation here in NYC because everything is so close and it's awesome!).  I was sitting across from a family with one very precious little boy who was stealing glances at me while his feet were dangling adorably over the seat, and I wondered how long it would be before his feet touched the floor of the train.  Remember that feeling when your feet first touched the ground? 

I remember the day my feet finally touched the ground very clearly because it was just six months ago to the day tomorrow, 1.4.14.  Tomorrow marks Kel & my six month NYC anniversary and I am more taken with NYC every day, and discovering something new with each day.  She has taken a hold of me; she has a strong grasp on my mind, my heart, my body, and soul and is keeping my eyes open with all her splendor and sexiness.  NYC, that is.  Not my sis.  Don't get me wrong, Kel is splendorous and sexy, but the 'her' here is the fifth lady, NYC.  'Her' energy is intoxicating, electrifying, tempting, tantalizing, at times overwhelming, but the constant engagement and stimulation of it all creates this unquestionable energy.  Hence the old slogan for the Big Apple, "the city that never sleeps". Yeah sure she never sleeps, all because this overflowing energy that is created from all the many cultures coexisting, all the history that founds us and the traditions that ground us. This city thrives as we sing a daily song that changes tune and lyrics every day like a symphony of seasons.  The cabby horns and the distant sirens, the men working on the scaffolding high above passersby, the snow flurries that whistle through the barren trees and the radiator that hisses and bangs like that of a steel drum.   This symphony of sounds has become the score to my life.  And we, those who live and collaborate here are making it happen, making life happen, bearing that wind and sleet and lugging our lives up and down in and around the five boroughs that comprise NYC (Brooklyn being the largest, woot woot!). When push comes to shove, we extend a hand to our neighbor and we take care of each other like those of a village, pushing harder with every day and looking to create a brighter tomorrow for the city that is our home.  Who are we?  The children of Lady Liberty, whether we be biological, adopted, or step-children. And just as an FYI  I consider myself an adopted child. =D (I do like that self-made analogy if I do say so meself)  I am so incredibly grateful and still so in awe that I get to contribute to the success and evolution and thriving energy of NYC. 

As we start a new year here in New York, I find myself reflecting on the passing year- as always with the turning of a New Year.  That said and without a doubt, 2013 was a 'year of change' for me and one of the best changes was blossoming from a sunny So Cal girl to an even stronger and more determined, more confident NYC 'woman'.  

'13 began as I concluded one of the longest chapters of my life's saga to date, saying goodbye to a family and family friends and leaving a life that I, that a former we had shared, behind.  But I did not focus on the loss or the decision I had made to close that chapter, rather, I chose to focus on the wind of change that began blowing.  I took an introspective step backwards and then began moving forward again instead of remaining idle as I had been for some time, in certain avenues of my life anyway.  I chose to seek change and disruption instead of settling with comfort and complacency.  Life's too short not to the pursue the unknown. So the first few months of '13 found me seizing an opportunity to move from CA to NYC, and then the latter half of the year making the transition and acclimating to the new sub-culture as seamlessly as the tides turn.  Oh, and somewhere in there I turned 30.  Not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to seem, BTW.  Don't let 'em fool yah.  I embraced the blessing of another year and that of wisdom, celebrating on the cross-country roadtrip with my sis & Rufus somewhere in-between Shamrock, TX, and Nashville, TN.  2013 was one of the most progressive yet one of the most challenging years of my life and that of the greatest change.  And much like another year of life, this change I gladly embraced like that of a comfort object.  

So with the New Year we have decided that 2014 will be the year of 'Life Is Good' as we focus and improve upon what we have, who we are, and what we are doing with this amazing life we get to be a part of.  2014 will be that of even MORE new adventures, and being PRESENT in the moment of these new adventures.  There are SO many things, so many far off exotic destinations and cultures to experience, I like to think that being in NYC makes me that much closer to these distant lands that I am intrigued with exploring......and with that, the blog postings will become much more colorful! =D

I leave you with this: when you know what you want, GO AFTER IT.  I went after a few things this year, took a few bold leaps of faith and assertion and I do not regret any of them, rather, I feel these are things that have added the most value to my life.  Do not wait but CREATE an opportunity, carpe diem, seek meaning in this short life. And get to know those you interact with you throughout the journey because life and the people that write the lyrics to the song thereof are all beautiful in unique ways and each deserves to be celebrated.

This is where I am and this is who and I am and I have never felt so damn alive in my life.......and I am so happy to have my sister, my best friend, my partner in crime by my side and along for the ride; as well as that of a newly blossoming relationship; new and old friendships; and a very special roomie, Mr. Mattypants aka 'puppy brother'. =D

Sis & I sharing a soak tub from the rooftop of CasaBlanca Hotel, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico 12/28/13.

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